Monday, November 27, 2006

Does Surface Area equal Heat?

It sounds like a dumb question, because the guy who told it to me ALWAYS talks out of his ass, but he is in the science program here.

I could imagine if it equalled ability to capture heat, that makes sense.

Otherwise, I would take great pleasure in knowing that this guy is a fucking idiot.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Blog Maintenance.

Ok, I`ve eliminated Robot Rock. I`m sorry that you guys found this so tormenting that you sought out new software to o`erthrow it. That saddens me.

Ben, I bless thee with a link.

Ellen, I`ve eliminated your link for calling me a dumbass. I really think that you need to consider what you say before you say it.

Liam- I wrote the last post, couldn`t figure out the link thing on the first try and gave up. A little more time spent would have yielded some serious results..but alas..I don`t care.


Thursday, November 09, 2006


What Kind of Power We Got? SOUL POWER!

Die Frau und Die Mannen,

Well, I`ve seen the light. The last five hours have been spent watching the HBO special Band of Brothers. Tom Hanks had something to do with it, which automatically infers that it will be one hundred percent American POV, and at least reasonably gory. These conditions are all met, but that`s hardly the draw. The characters are well written, the SE rock balls, and every battle actually happened with (at least most) of the characters involved.

Now, it`s come to my attention that my death has been the subject of unverifiable claims. The post was touching, albeit full of subtle stabs and clandestine insults. These conjurations from the madman himself are not actually true. Though certainly at times during this week, I sort of wish they`d`ve buried me six feet beneath the earth..I may have gotten some sleep.

I`ve got a nice congeries of books to read, and the ideas expressed therein are apparently important to my success in post-secondary school. Anyone want to read, summarize, and write an essay proposal on Jane Austen`s Emma? It`s God`ve been warned.

Now to the less bitchy part of my bloggeries, the nice part.

I can honestly say that after cruising Limewire, Ares, and DC++ today, I could think of no song except Bonzo goes to Bitburg by the Ramones that I want but don`t have. The wholly excessive music collection I`ve meticulously amassed is actually rather discerning. It`s overpowering nature has forced me to burn CD`s with titles such as: "I sold a Ferrari to expose these artists to the Mainsteam", "Crop Rotation for Cauliflower", and "The music that cycles over the speakers in the halls of the Ehrenkranz School of Social Work". Most of the music burned into these CD`s is completely new, with the addition of Velvet Underground at the end, because like sex, a CD is good with the addition of hard banging and loud, unrecognizable noises.

Well, that`s it fellows.

Pax Blakus.

The BiZz.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


We walked around till the moon got full, like a plate.

Though I`m sure there are few suggestions out there for an affliction such as mine, I think that once I get a camera of some sort, I`ll take a picture of the absolute filthy mess I live in, and send you a picture of Alex`s nearly immaculate side of the room. I need life reorganization, friends. I need some kind of absolute place for everything, and I`m not sure if I possess the lifestyle needed to reorganize it.

I`ve been thinking about this, and it doesn`t seem to matter where I live, but it always becomes a disorganized hole. My room now is covered in various kinds of problems. For a week and a half or so, my room was clean, and I made a vow of sorts to myself and to the sake of Alex to keep it tidy. Now, I have a myriad of books, clothes, foodstuffs, papers, telephones, cd cases, old guitar strings, you name it cluttered about my bed.


I`ve had that portion of the post sitting in that box for two days now. It`s still relevant, but hardly the most of my worries.

I once again missed a tutuorial in Medieval History. I`ve made it to three that I can think of. At eight thirty in the morning, it`s not a good time to have a damn tutorial. My prof apparently takes the bus in from Guelph or something every teach it..I`d kill myself.

The idea, however, is that I am marked on attendance, and while I attend every lecture (falling in at the beautiful waking hour of 1130 MWF) I can`t seem to summon the willpower to arouse from my slumber at 830.

I`m going back to bed.


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