Monday, December 18, 2006


This room smells like Hotel Illness..

Fine day.

I woke up at the merry hour of 2 in the afternoon today, sort of still drunk and completely unaware of my surroundings.

Basically, I don`t want to drink anymore.

Two days until I`m back, and that 48 hours will hopefully crawl by. I`m not actually looking forward to going home. I`m used to a ridiculously late bedtime, and an ugly afternoon wakeup, which will have to stop for the next 2 weeks whilst I adjust to the old rules for the new world order...aka, my parents` rules.

My room is a disaster. Alex and I have managed to sediment two weeks` worth of drinking, clothing changes and a myriad of other activites onto our floor. It feels like that scene from Fear and Loathing when HST wakes up to find his hotel room torn to shreds and a microphone taped to his face, aware that he did it, but unaware of the extent. For instance, I woke up this morning with at least eight pennies stuck to various places on my back and stomach. Many of which I was able to peel off, the others came off in the shower. Not to mention that when I got out of bed, I stepped over a guitar case, four empty boxes of KD and a rather expensive Drama textbook, which was laid open in a way that bent many pages.

I have two exams in the next two days, but both are feasible and make up the saving grace for my marks. I will study, but the warning level has been reduced from blood red to a cool blue (I think that`s the order, right?), and all terrorist exam activity has been quelled.

I`ll be home soon. Wednesday is the day.

All will be well in the world, just wait for me to get there.


Saturday, December 16, 2006


My Blog IS called "Blazing New Trails to Never Fail"...I can`t actually fail.

Much like Liam, I`m about to unleash a bombshell of a post, and much like Our Lady Peace I`m promoting the message that "Life is waiting for you" (A terrible song off of a terrible album, don`t bother.

He sort of stole my thunder, though. Because I too am dropping out. I came to the realization that I felt trapped and unmotivated in a place where I`m not supposed to feel that way some time ago, and in an excellent night, I brought it up, expecting the usual Liam sly scorn, only to find a brother in arms.

This is actually one of the most suitable pictures because we go to a neat little joint here in Waterloo called the KO; my favorite bar in the whole world second only to my absolute favorite (I`ll give you a hint, it`s amazing, and I work there) and play chess.

Well, we retreated into our drinks in silence, and I asked him if he wanted to travel with me. He replied with a "Possibly Maybe (sic)" and everything was cool. That`s what I love about Liam. Every once and a while, when you`re expecting some witty stab, he surprises you with an unexpected turn. Things seem to go much smoother when he`s around, and God himself couldn`t light a better path.

But either way, I`m leaving and I ain't comin back...until the september following my 21st birthday. Yes, I`m aware of how late that is in my life..but I seem to have wasted so much time already, and I am not sure I`ll ever do this after. Plus..I figure I need a break. My head can only tolerate so many dumb girls, inappropriate "Randumz" and a constant, almost intravenous supply of pizza and other unsuitable junk foods.

So, when you walk up to me so gracefully, and ask me where I`m going, I probably won`t tell you, but I will say: "Your mama`s bed." And then I`ll laugh.

Good Night and Good Luck, America.


Sunday, December 10, 2006


William, it was really nothing.

It was your time.

Look, the back of the line is patting my ass to post, so I do.

Basically, nothing changes for me. I`m holed up here in my little rez room, reading plays, Cannery Row, any hateful Buk I get my hands on, and some William. The only reason I leave this room is for one of four reasons:

1) The most common: Cigarette break. They come more and more frequently as my exhaustive reading material becomes less a passion and more a chore. This is disheartening, and killing me.

2) To eat. This type, unlike my cigarette intake, is actually on the decline. I`m becoming an emaciated mess. When I do eat, it`s junk.

3) To take a crap. Yeah, we all do it.

4) To leave for home. Once there, I am either at home or at work. There is no fine line, perhaps the occasional stop at Alex`s, but hardly anything to credit a major turn.

Wow! Interesting, isn`t it?

I`m not bitching, by the way, I`m actually sort of enjoying being a hermit. Things here are cozy, and the routine is comfortable, if not gratifying.

What am I listening to? Waltz (Better than Fine) by Fiona Apple, and the entire "Favorites" Section of my WMP. Highlights include: What`s the Matter Man - Rollins Band, William, it was really nothing - The Smiths, The Girls Don`t like the Job - Kool Keith.

When I come home, I`ll need respite.

I can`t get no satisfaction.

Dra Dra, Dra Dra Dra!

The Bizz.

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