Monday, November 27, 2006

Does Surface Area equal Heat?

It sounds like a dumb question, because the guy who told it to me ALWAYS talks out of his ass, but he is in the science program here.

I could imagine if it equalled ability to capture heat, that makes sense.

Otherwise, I would take great pleasure in knowing that this guy is a fucking idiot.

I'm quite sure that doesn't even make sense, since the two things are measured in different units...

Also, in life experience that does not seem logical.
Pretty safe to say that this man has no idea what the hell he's talking about.

If what he literally said was "surface area equals heat" then he's absolutely retarded as that's simply not true. Let's take a real life example:

Blake has a girlfriend who is 1.7 meters tall and weighs (an unhealthy) 45 kilos (she might be a little young). Some "science" student at Laurier, let's just call him a fucking retard, has a girlfriend who is also 1.7 meters tall, but weighs 135 kilos, or thrice as much as Blake's.

Using a nomogram (which is a shitty tool that no one likes to use), we can estimate that Blake's girlfriend has an approximate surface area of 1.51m^2, while a fucking retard's girlfriend's surface area is a more substantial 2.40 m^2.

Following a fucking retard's theory, his girlfriend should be hotter than Blake's. Does anyone think that this is the case?

Here's the point: What he's saying might be a very very garbled version of Charles' gas law, which states that as you increase the temperature of a gas, its volume will increase at the same rate (if you freeze a balloon full of air, it will shrink).

Since its volume is changing, you might be able to equate that very loosely with a similar change in surface area. If you were retarded.

Is this enough? I can go on...
But since the fucking retards girlfriend has a greater volume of fat surrounding her, wouldn't her temperature be greater?

Case in point:

The same reason why steam pours off me during the winter months even though I'm wearing a t-shirt outside.

......I suppose that's not "surface temperature" though, is it?

Man, good thing I didn't want to be a scientist.
Well, "heat" is a pretty vague term. The guy might even be talking about total energy. I don't really know.
Yeah? Well I don't know any of this stuff and have nothing constructive to add. So there :P
You haven't had a real post in almost a month!

Your blog used to be one of my favourite ones to read. Now.... nothing!

For shame!
That's true. He's only still on my links by a technicality. I didn't think I'd need to be splitting hairs over my policies...
I like it.

He's building up the suspense for dramatic purposes.

I'd wager he's writing some long-winded thesis in word, then going to copy-paste it into a post the day after liam removes his link, just to piss liam off.


I'd put money on you being wrong, actually.
Oh, and Danger, it might not be to your taste, but this new guy that I'm linking to, Sharmin Chaltra, has some pretty good stories up. I don't know if fiction is your thing, but it's better than what's been produced around these parts for the past few weeks.
Yeah, I read 'em.

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