Tuesday, November 07, 2006


We walked around till the moon got full, like a plate.

Though I`m sure there are few suggestions out there for an affliction such as mine, I think that once I get a camera of some sort, I`ll take a picture of the absolute filthy mess I live in, and send you a picture of Alex`s nearly immaculate side of the room. I need life reorganization, friends. I need some kind of absolute place for everything, and I`m not sure if I possess the lifestyle needed to reorganize it.

I`ve been thinking about this, and it doesn`t seem to matter where I live, but it always becomes a disorganized hole. My room now is covered in various kinds of problems. For a week and a half or so, my room was clean, and I made a vow of sorts to myself and to the sake of Alex to keep it tidy. Now, I have a myriad of books, clothes, foodstuffs, papers, telephones, cd cases, old guitar strings, you name it cluttered about my bed.


I`ve had that portion of the post sitting in that box for two days now. It`s still relevant, but hardly the most of my worries.

I once again missed a tutuorial in Medieval History. I`ve made it to three that I can think of. At eight thirty in the morning, it`s not a good time to have a damn tutorial. My prof apparently takes the bus in from Guelph or something every day...to teach it..I`d kill myself.

The idea, however, is that I am marked on attendance, and while I attend every lecture (falling in at the beautiful waking hour of 1130 MWF) I can`t seem to summon the willpower to arouse from my slumber at 830.

I`m going back to bed.


Cry about it some more, princess. You're 2 minutes from class, and that post contains a lie: You don't have any fucking class on Fridays!
ya Blake,I'm with Liam on this one - you're post is bullshit.

when you only have one class a week at 8:30 AM and you have an enitre day off of class - you're not allowed to complain.
i don't think you can comprehend the kind of filth i live in... or the ridiculous hours of class i have.

no excuses!

on a completely different note - i love you, and i'm glad you're not dead.


I have an idea, why don`t you both just come to Laurier, get an Arts degree and we can all bitch about our one early class a week together!

Until then, you both knew what you signed up for. I`ll bitch about my early class, and you two can whine about acting and video games on yours. K? K.
blake you're awesome!

oooh, the sass!

And this from the man who was too busy "studying for a German test" to come out to his own requiem tonight.

Some fucking Arts major you are

"Drinking on Wednesday night? Noooooo! My precious academia comes first always!"
I feel for ya, Blake.

My history of graphic arts and Illustration class is at 8:00am.

It seems to me that they're trying to keep this shit a secret from us.

I also understand where you're coming from as far as disorganization is concerned. Every three days or so, I have to do a complete overhaul of my room. I don't know why or how this happens. Most of my time is spent either at the college, or sitting on my ass at work.

I fear my landlady is breaking into my room, scattering my graphic novels all over the floor, tossing my blankets into a corner, and sprinkling crumbs all over my carpet and desk.

I need to invest in a webcam to catch her in the act.


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