Wednesday, February 28, 2007


He Blazes New Trails...but Lately Failed.

Liam, where hast thou gone?

Perhaps it`s condemnation of the blogosphere, perhaps we have committed acts of pestilent dystrophy against his beloved 'sphere. Whatever the reason is, dear friends, it is certain, the great one is displeased with some aspect of our behavior.

When he returns, he will bear bludgeons with which he will quash our meager lives into the nothingness which he knows them to be.

So Fear O my brothers! He will send the demonic spirits into our heads, spawning only the most meaningless posts...

And upon his return he will bring balance to the evils and save only the chosen few whose behavior and deeds he views as reasonable.

It was only an eon ago he destroyed Babylon, and sent his demonic Erra to quell the noisy humans whose lives he valued less than his own nail clippings. He then sent the four horsemen upon the world of the Christians, and destroyed their civilizations in one fell swoop. His greatest avatars sunk Atlantis, and spread nine plagues upon the Pagan peoples of Egypt. His hand waved power over the Huns to dominate the world in the middle ages, and Napoleon`s armies hundreds of years later.

From his pantheon beside the mattress he raised the Himalayas, gave culture to the backwards peoples ignorant of his desires, and spread his word across continents and oceans, expanding his power until the day prophesied to bring end to civilizations and peoples.

The day of judgment encroaches upon us, friends!

So please fellows, I beg of you, read his posts, and follow his way, for his return shall be the reckoning for which we were all born to witness.

May his kingdom reign eternal!

Just post you bastard.

The Bizz.

Haha Blake your post made me laugh, you're always so full of entertainment.

Liam WTF are you???
He's a monster. 'S what he is!

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