Sunday, September 09, 2007


We are human, after all.

Well, if it isn`t my old friend...the blog..

How are

Still updated I see...

So how do I start this?

If you`ve read Liam`s post you know that my foot temperature disorder has landed me back into my parent`s house and hoping desperately that it will get better. Unfortunately, my family doctor (whom I met on Wednesday, and is a pretty cool guy) does not have a remedy aside from riding it out and mustering the nuts to go trodding off to parts unknown.

I am sorry to Liam and Carl, and what I hope they understand, as friends, is that this is the best thing for me right now. I can`t do much about that. Until I know how I want to spend my time and money I need to be caught in a safety net and frankly, the maw of a boar is not how I feel safe.

So anyways, I`m moving to London, where a million hot girls and a plethora of eager employers await my arrival.

Liam has gifted me with why Daft Punk isn`t that creative, and I suppose that is a decent sendoff to a man who screwed him over. I don`t like watching this actually REALLY bothers me, and I hope and pray on my bedside before sleep that it's a hoax.

Unfortunately the facts are there, and if they hold up past the millions of astute (ha!) Youtube can`t be false. Unlike those who have posted comments below the video, I cannot brush it off with a mere "daft punk rulz!" or "sht up u bitch, this video is bullshit. i love daft punk n ull never ruin them 4 me!"

I still love Daft Punk, but the notches are lowering...

Anyways, I wanted to just update here and apologise publicly to Liam and those whom I have decided to leave behind.

Please note however, that I have offered to anyone who so wishes, a place to crash when we go out to the amazing bars in London and get smashy smashy.

It`s not a bad life. I haven`t abandoned you completely.

I`m gonna head`r. Carl is jonesing for some Chess and who am I to deny that?

Love the one you`re with, unless she`s a fucking bitch,


i am down for getting smashy smashy in london in the near future
good, name the time, name the place.

Not the Solid Gold`s.. dirty snatch is not my way of getting wasted.
Hello....underage drinking...

still illegal I see

ps. I am back in the blog scene
and still admiring your commitment to community service
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